My own journey with the menopause started in my early 30s when I was diagnosed with premature ovarian insufficiency, leading to being post-menopausal by the age of 38.
I feel no matter our age or experience, having someone to talk to about what is happening to us mentally and physically can make such a difference. You may have friends, family or loved ones that you can be open and honest with, but many of us do not have that person or space.
I would love to be that person for you, someone who will listen to your experience of what the menopause means for you, as we are all so different. I will compassionately hear your story, without any judgment and can provide that safe space where you can talk about anything free from embarrassment as nothing is a taboo subject.
You may find yourself feeling isolated at a time you are trying to understand why you suddenly feel anxious and maybe experiencing mood swings, which others around you can't understand. You may be feeling tired from disrupted sleep, which can make poor concentration, low energy and brain fog worse yet others expect the same from you that you could manage before the menopause, which can leave you feeling guilty or angry.
You may find that your body is changing, your hair and skin feel like they belong to someone else and you may feel like you don't recognise yourself anymore. Sex can become a problem from either loss of desire or it's become painful from vaginal and vulvar symptoms. This can be hard to speak about to a partner which may be leading to relationship problems. You may also be feeling frustrated with the lack of help or understanding from a GP or other medical professional.
Whatever your story may be, I am here to listen and will work alongside you to process any feelings and emotions that may have. I can help you navigate this time of change, loss, fear, anger, sadness or anything that is present for you.